LOGO Meaning

Colors: Red symbolizes strength, creativity in workmanship, passionate enthusiasm in work, and a strong passion for fighting development in the industry. At the same time, it is blended in a peaceful and peaceful blue color, symbolizing the healthy struggle, bringing each other up, the blue symbolizing harmonious balance, honesty, Mesmerizing and creative. Warm creativity

Logo: The logo is designed in the shape of a lozenge symbolic link to the house of CKT, the connection is sustainable, CKT is the symbol of "Chung-Kien Tao-Success". The red K symbol for the strong and passionate constructions, the blue C, T is the handshake and contribution of the members of the CKTTECH family in particular and the mechanical companies and manufacturing plants. In general, it contributes to the transfer, reception and development of advanced production technology, bringing the Vietnamese economy up, bringing the cradle in the manufacturing industry to success